
Vehicle Accident

Top Vehicle Accident Injuries in Florida

The Sunshine State is a great place to visit, live, and work; unfortunately, the risk of being injured in a vehicle accident is relatively high.

A Consumer Affairs report using National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) data from 2022 rated three Florida cities among the top five for car crashes.

Also, data from the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) Crash Dashboard reveals that between January 1 and July 25, 2024, there were 208,531 crashes, 135,384 injuries, and 1,687 deaths throughout the state (accessed August 6, 2024).

Most Common Car Crash Injuries

What are the most common car crash injuries suffered by Florida motorists?

Soft Tissue Injuries

Soft tissue injuries are the most common type of injury resulting from car accidents. These injuries involve damage to the muscles, ligaments, or tendons. For example, whiplash occurs when the head and neck muscles and ligaments undergo sudden stretching due to the impact of a collision. Do not be fooled by the name. Soft tissue injuries can cause permanent and significant life-changing consequences, with many requiring surgery and/or exhaustive future care.

Punctures & Lacerations

Loose objects stored inside a car can pose a safety hazard during a collision. Items such as cell phones, books, coffee mugs, umbrellas and tools can become projectiles, potentially seriously harming passengers. In addition to these objects, broken glass and car parts can also cause punctures and serious lacerations requiring medical attention. It is important to note that airbag deployment can also lead to many types of injuries to include spinal injuries and significant burns to the hands and face.

Closed Head Injuries / Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

Closed head injuries can range from concussions (bruising of the brain) to severe loss of brain matter. Both can cause serious and permanent problems for those that suffer such injuries. Closed head injuries cannot always be seen or realized right away. Further, the one who suffered the brain injury may not even realize they have changed until a loved one brings up the issue. These injuries are sometime referred to as traumatic brain injuries (a/k/a TBI). Even if the victim’s head hits something soft (like a cushioned head rest) at what seems to be a low rate of speed, one can have suffered from a Traumatic Brain Injury as a result of the brain hitting their hard skull. If someone hits their head during a collision, it is important to make sure medical professionals are aware of the trauma and can provide proper precautions and care for a possible brain injury. The one injured should also ask loved ones if there have been any changes in their behavior, mood or cognitive abilities and document any changes they have noticed.

Broken Bones

Broken bones are common in car accidents. Some fractures may be severe and require surgery for correction. Almost all fractures are a permanent injury as it compromises the integrity of that bone for the life of the victim. Many fractures can lead to long-term medical complications to include degeneration of the bone, surrounding critical soft tissue damage, arthritis, and chronic pain.

Internal Organ Damage

In the event of a crash, the impact forces can lead to serious internal organ damage. Additionally, wearing a lap belt across the stomach instead of the top of the legs can result in a condition called “seatbelt syndrome,” potentially causing the belt to tighten over the abdomen and injure the victim’s internal organs. Beyond that, blunt trauma from projectiles or the forces of the body hitting the inside of the car can cause significant injuries to the organs, which can be permanent in nature.

Chest Injuries

In car accidents, chest injuries often manifest as contusions or bruises, although they can also be serious. Severe chest injuries may include broken ribs and damage to internal organs. The proximity of the driver’s chest to the steering wheel makes them more susceptible to chest injuries. Additionally, seat belts and airbag deployments during impacts can also cause both temporary and permanent injuries to the chest that may require life-long treatment.

Top Florida Vehicle Accident Injury Attorneys

Auto accidents are often life-changing, requiring extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation, missed work, interrupted lives, and more. How will you meet your family’s expenses and pay for treatment when someone else caused your injuries? You and your family should not have to take on the burden of someone else’s mistake. Parrish & Goodman, Attorneys at Law, are top Florida vehicle accident injury lawyers who have handled thousands of accident claims and can help you pursue a personal injury lawsuit after a car accident caused by negligence of another.

The compensation you could receive can help with lost wages, medical expenses, and other costs you incur due to your injuries. We offer a free consultation to answer your questions and explain more about the process and how we can help. Contact us today by phone or complete the online form to request your free consultation after a Florida car accident.